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Economy & COVID-19

Siri Potluri
Learn more about how COVID-19 has affected the economic health of the UCLA campus.

The City of Los Angeles has performed a number of actions to keep the number of COVID-19 cases low, and UCLA is no exception. As in-person classes were cancelled and classes transitioned online, the Hill moved students to singles with a private or shared bathroom for the price of a classic triple. Additionally, dining halls are still open for take-out. Despite these unprecedented circumstances, UCLA was able to adjust in order to promote social distancing, make students feel safe, and continue our education. Thus, there are currently 39 confirmed cases in the UCLA community instead of the hundreds which could have occured without a quick response.

However, students who have left campus still pay full tuition. Out-of-state students even continue to pay the hefty fee of $15,000 per quarter compared to the $5,000 in-state students have to pay while classes take place online. Since campus services and facilities are not being utilized by many students due to the stay-at-home orders, tuition adjustments would be helpful to make up for the stress some students are faced with to make ends meet.

At the end of March, Congress signed the CARES Act which provides economic relief for the expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the pandemic. The funding should go directly to enrolled students in the form of emergency grants. UCLA received about $36 million from the federal government, $18 million of which will be used for student needs. Last month, UCLA began distributing money to eligible students and plans to provide $200 of universal impact awards to undocumented and international students who are not covered under the CARES Act.

These grants are important, as many students are suffering unexpected financial burdens due to loss of businesses and jobs. Additionally, students have to focus on schoolwork just as much as they did when classes were in-person. Students’ stress begins to build up, and maintaining good mental health is made even more difficult as quarantine continues. As a student, I understand how difficult it is to focus during these worrisome times, but I cannot imagine the hardships of those who are also going through significant financial difficulties.

I feel that UCLA, especially the faculty, has done their best to serve the interests of their students’ health and well-being. My professors were able to adapt quickly to online learning, which enabled students to stay focused. Additionally, the Ashe Center remains open to provide free services for students in need. Therefore, I think that UCLA has done an outstanding job in their plans to provide economic as well as personal relief for students in the midst of the stressful circumstances resulting from COVID-19.


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